Archive for July, 2010

Which Wich Toast

Solo adventure day in Colorado. The boyfriend had to work so I took off on my own. First up: WalMart to get my glasses fixed ($2.01) and get the boyfriend’s watch a new band ($7.56). After the tedious errands, I hit up my favorite WiFi hot spot: Muggs. Iced coffee, a little work, some people watching. Then I headed over to City Park, did some reading, went for a walk and watched some Canadian geese. I got hungry so I headed back towards Old Town and found Which Wich. Too fun. Choose a bag, mark it up, put your name on it and they make it. Toasty yumminess. Walked off the roast beef sub on the CSU campus and then decided it was too hot. I’m sorry, people but a dry heat is still hot. Picked up a 12 pack of Fat Tires for me and the boyfriend (who should be home any minute). I need a nap 😉

July 1, 2010 at 4:39 pm Leave a comment

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